Farm & Residential Service
Single-Phase, 60 Hertz, at available secondary voltage. |
Service Access Fee: $ 30.00 per month Transformer kVA Charge: $ 0.50 per kVA over 25 kVA Demand Charge: $ 1.00 per kW of billing demand Energy Charge: $ 0.1020 per kWh |
Available to Farm and Residential Consumers for farm and residential uses, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. This rate is not applicable for multiple residences through a single meter nor for a residence in which a portion of the dwelling is regularly used for business and professional service.
The minimum monthly charge shall be the highest one of the following:
- A charge of$ 25.00 per month where transformer capacity of 15 kVA or less is required.
- A charge of$ 25.00 per month plus $1.00 per kVA or fraction thereof where transformer capacity in excess of 15 kVA is required.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
The above rate may be subject to an increase or decrease due to a power cost change from our power supplier.
This rate shall be subject to all taxes which the Cooperative may be required to collect, including any franchise tax or other fees.
All charges are subject to the Gross Receipts Tax levied by the State of Oklahoma. Currently the tax is two percent (2%).
The monthly bill is due within 10 days after the bill is mailed or presented online for the consumer to view. A late fee of 5% of the net bill, but not less than $5.00, shall be added after the due date. If the consumer fails to pay by the due date, the Cooperative may discontinue service by giving 5 days' written notice.
Kay Electric Cooperative
Large Power Rate - LP6
Three-phase, 60 Hertz, at available voltage. |
Substation Level I Service Access Fee: $ 500 per month Demand Charge: $ 0.60 per NCP kW Energy Charge:
Distribution Primary Level II - Metered at Substation Level Service Access Fee: $ 500 per month Demand Charge: $ 2.20 per NCP kW Energy Charge:
Distribution - Primary Level III Service Access Fee: $ 500 per month Demand Charge: $ 2.75 per NCP kW Energy Charge:
Distribution Secondary Level IV Service Access Fee: $ 500 per month Demand Charge: $ 3.85 per NCP kW Energy Charge:
The application of this rate schedule is limited to Consumers that establish a minimum demand of 1000 kilowatts through a single meter subject to the established rules and service regulations of the Cooperative.
The Cooperative's approved wholesale cost of power method using power supplier's applicable Rate Schedule shall be the cost of power to serve the Customer including, but not limited to taxes, capacity, demand, ancillary services, delivery, energy and fuel charges for the billing period plus adjustments applied to the current monthly billing to account for differences in actual purchased electricity costs billed in previous periods. The poser cost will be calculated using the billing units defined in the same manner as defined in the wholesale rate to the customer, including any ratchet provisions in the wholesale rate. The Customer's billing units may be adjusted for line losses, as determined by the Cooperative, to calculate the Customer's power cost at the wholesale supplier's metering point to the Cooperative.
The facilities charge may be applicable to consumers requiring extension of service based on the actual cost of construction plus applicable interest cost {determined by the interest rate of the most current fixed loan), billed to the Customer monthly as developed on the following formula: (Actual Construction Cost+ Applicable Interest Cost)/ Term of Agreement= Monthly Charge
Construction costs for large project investments could be required to be paid upfront entirely in lieu of a facility charge(s). These construction costs are for large projects built for the purpose of servicing load{s) that could be financially detrimental to the cooperative if funds were not collected upfront. These pre-collected construction costs could be paid back to the consumer over time as a credit on the consumer's monthly electric bill if certain minimum usage and load factor parameters are contractually met provided that the Cooperative's financial investment on facilities built do not adversely affect the overall membership.
The minimum monthly charge shall be the service access fee plus the highest one of the following charges:
- The service access fee plus all kWh charges, plus the Cooperative's demand charge based on the Cooperative's appropriate demand charge rate times the greatest of 1000 kW or the current billing month's NCP recorded (metered) kW demand, plus any facilities charges, including all monthly wholesale power supplier charges.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
The Consumer's Kay Electric Billing Demand shall be the maximum rate at which energy is used for any period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes of the month for which the bill is rendered as shown by the cooperative's demand meter.
For Consumers who qualify for this rate, the Consumer's WFEC wholesale Energy Charge and Billing Demand{s) shall be based on the WFEC wholesale rate selected. WFEC's rate schedule R16 Commercial /Industrial rider rate is the normal rate utilized for the LP-6 rate, but other WFEC rate schedules could be applied if beneficial for both the Consumer and the Cooperative. The Consumer is responsible to pay for any and all demand{s) or other charges according to the WFEC rate through the end of any given calendar year. If WFEC replaces the existing contract rate used by this agreement with a new contract rate, the newest contract rate would immediately be applied to this agreement and any associated fee changes applied.
The Peak Demand Period shall be any day of the year.
Kay Electric Cooperative
Agricultural Power Service
Single and/or three-phase, 60 Hertz, at standard voltages. |
Service Access Fee:
Transformer kVA Charge: $ 0.50 per kVA of transformer capacity |
The application of this rate is limited to members of the Cooperative for the operation of single-phase and three-phase qualifying agriculture motors over 30 kW or having a total of 37.5 kV A of transformer capacity for single-phase and 45 kV A capacity for three-phase, which agree not to use electric energy during Western Farmers Electric Cooperative's called peak days between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. CST, from June 20 and September 9. The Cooperative will notify consumer of peak days through member provided cell numbers, text and/or emails.
This rate is effective from the date the contract is signed and shall automatically be renewed from subsequent one (1) year terms unless
terminated by either party giving notice prior to new summer control season. The consumer is responsible to pay for any demand charges on any kilowatt demand set by the consumer during any summer load control period for a term of twelve (12) months, even if the load is disconnected. If the load is disconnected, the demand charges are in addition to any minimum charges that might be remaining on the original contract.
Certain monitoring devices (metering) designated by Kay Electric will be placed at load location and shall be and remain the property of the Cooperative. A non-refundable contribution from the consumer will be collected to cover the initial cost of the metering device.
The Billing demand shall be the higher of the following:
- The kW demand set during the called peak days of summer control period.
- 5% of the previous 11 months peak kW.
- 35% of the present month kW peak.
The summer load control demand is the highest kW demand recorded during the called peak days between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. of the summer load control period coinciding with our power suppliers three highest called peak days. The monthly peak demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand as indicated on a 15-minute demand interval. If the consumer does not control his load during the summer control period, then he is responsible for any demand set during the summer load control period. The consumer agrees to pay the billing demand charge that is based on the summer load control kW demand for the next 12 months beginning with the first billing period following the end of the summer load control period. If the consumer disconnects the account before paying all 12 months of the demand charge, then the consumer will be billed the remaining demand charge on the final bill.
The minimum charge shall be the greater of the following charges:
- The total of the service access fee, kVA capacity charge, billing demand charge and the energy charge.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The bill will be adjusted to correct for power factors lower than ninety percent {90%}, when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustment will be made by increasing the total bill by one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) by which the power factor is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time during a period of maximum demand.
Power Cost Adjustment
The above rate may be subject to an increase or decrease due to a power cost charge from our power supplier.
Tax Adjustments
This rate shall be subject to all taxes which the Cooperative may be required to collect, including any franchise tax or other fees.
Gross Receipts Tax
All charges are subject to the Gross Receipts Tax levied by the State of Oklahoma. Currently the tax is two percent (2%).
The monthly bill is due within 10 days after the bill is mailed or presented online for the consumer to view. A late fee of 5% of the net bill, but not less than $5.00, shall be added after the due date. If the consumer fails to pay by the due date, the Cooperative may discontinue service by giving 5 days' written notice.
Kay Electric Cooperative
Commercial 1
Available for commercial, industrial and farm services up to 30 kVA of transformer capacity. |
Service Access Fee:
Demand Charge: $ 7.00 per kW of billing demand |
Available for commercial, industrial and farm services up to 30 kVA of transformer capacity, for all uses including lighting, heating and power, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
The contract demand used for billing purposes shall be the kilowatt demand as indicated on a 15-minute maximum demand meter for the month for which the bill is rendered.
The minimum charge shall be the highest one of the following charges:
- The total of the service access fee, demand charge, energy charge and applicable taxes.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
Power Cost Adjustment
The above rate may be subject to an increase or decrease due to a power cost change from our power supplier.
Tax Adjustments
This rate shall be subject to all taxes which the Cooperative may be required to collect, including any franchise tax or other fees.
Gross Receipts Tax
All charges are subject to the Gross Receipts Tax levied by the State of Oklahoma. Currently the tax is two percent (2%).
The monthly bill is due within 10 days after the bill is mailed or presented online for the consumer to view. A late fee of 5% of the net bill, but not less than $5.00, shall be added after the due date. If the consumer fails to pay by the due date, the Cooperative may discontinue service by giving S days' written notice.
Kay Electric Cooperative
Commercial 2
Available for commercial, industrial and farm services over 30 kV A of transformer capacity and up to 150 kVA of transformer capacity. |
Service Access Fee:
Transformer kVA Charge: $ 0.50 per all kVA over 30 kVA |
Available for commercial, industrial and farm services over 30 kV A of transformer capacity and up to 150 kVA of transformer capacity for all uses including lighting, heating and power subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative.
A monthly charge of $0.50 per kVA for all transformer kVA capacity in excess of 30 kVA.
The contract demand used for billing purposes shall be the kilowatt demand as indicated on a 15-minute maximum demand meter for the month for which the bill is rendered, but shall not be less than 10 kW and not less than sixty-five percent (65%) of the highest kilowatt demand so
supplied during the previous eleven (11) months.
The minimum charge shall be the highest one of the following charges:
- The total of the service access fee, transformer kVA charge, demand charge, energy charge and applicable taxes.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
Power Factor
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The bill will be adjusted to correct for power factors lower than ninety percent (90%), when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustment will be made by increasing the total bill by one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) by which the power factor is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time during a period of maximum demand.
Power Cost Adjustment
The above rate may be subject to an increase or decrease due to a power cost change from our power supplier.
Tax Adjustments
This rate shall be subject to all taxes which the Cooperative may be required to collect, including any franchise tax or other fees.
Gross Receipts Tax
All charges are subject to the Gross Receipts Tax levied by the State of Oklahoma. Currently the tax is two percent (2%).
The monthly bill is due within 10 days after the bill is mailed or presented on line for the consumer to view. A late fee of 5% of the net bill, but not less than $5.00, shall be added after the due date. If the consumer fails to pay by the due date, the Cooperative may discontinue service by giving 5 days' written notice.
Kay Electric Cooperative
Commercial 3
Single and/or three-phase, 60 Hertz, at standard voltages. |
Service Access Fee:
Transformer kVA Charge: $ 0.50 per all kVA over 250 kVA |
Available for commercial, industrial and farm services for all uses including lighting, heating and power, over 150 kVA of transformer capacity and subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative. This rate is to be used for all commercial grow facilities over 150 kVA of transformer capacity, regardless of total kVA size. This rate is to be used for all primary metering points.
A monthly charge of $0.50 per kVA for all transformer kVA capacity in excess of 250 kVA.
The contract demand used for billing purposes shall be the kilowatt demand as indicated on a 15-minute maximum demand meter for the month for which the bill is rendered, but shall not be less than 22 kW and not less than sixty-five percent (65%) of the highest kilowatt demand so supplied during the previous eleven (11) months.
The bill minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of the following charges:
- The total of the service access fee, transformer kVA charge, demand charge, energy charge and applicable taxes.
- Minimum as stated in Agreement for Purchase of Power.
Power Factor
The consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The bill will be adjusted to correct for power factors lower than ninety percent (90%), when the Cooperative deems necessary. Such adjustment will be made by increasing the total bill by one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) by which the power factor is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at any time during a period of maximum demand.
Power Cost Adjustment
The above rate may be subject to an increase or decrease due to a power cost change from our power supplier.
Tax Adjustments
This rate shall be subject to all taxes which the Cooperative may be required to collect, including any franchise tax or other fees.
Gross Receipts Tax
All charges are subject to the Gross Receipts Tax levied by the State of Oklahoma. Currently the tax is two percent (2%).
The monthly bill is due within 10 days after the bill is mailed or presented on line for the consumer to view. A late fee of 5% of the net bill, but not less than $5.00, shall be added after the due date. If the consumer fails to pay by the due date, the Cooperative may discontinue service by giving 5 days' written notice.
Kay Electric Cooperative