The Kay Electric Community Foundation (KECF) celebrates its one-year anniversary the first of August. The inaugural year can be clearly labeled a huge success to northern Oklahoma citizens and organizations. The KECF awarded more than $39,000 to 23 grant recipients these past 12 months.
Kay Electric Cooperative members participate in KUP, which power bills are rounded up to the nearest dollar. The amount rounded up can be as little as 1 cent and is never more than 99 cents a month. On average, each participating member contributes around $6 a year.
The funds are pooled and administered by the KECF board of directors that meets quarterly to consider grant applications. The board consists of President Jared Grell, Vice-President Barbara Regier, Secretary/Treasurer Candy Oller,
Director Sue Streller and Director Rose Mary Hoemann. There are also three non-voting advisory board members: KEC’s CEO Tim Rodriguez, COO JD Soulek and Director of Marketing and Member Services Austin Partida.
The board met in July to review its seven grant applications. Grants totaling $9,130 will be distributed to seven of the applicants. 2016 second-quarter grants include:
- Edwin Fair Community Mental Health Center in Ponca City will purchase garden supplies and tools with a $1000 grant from the KECF.
- Blackwell Quarterback Club is purchasing material to remodel the press box at the football field with a $1000 grant from the KECF.
- Blackwell High School Colorguard will purchase new show flags and Maroon Spirit flags with a $480 grant from the KECF.
- Blackwell Youth Football League will be purchasing helmets, shoulder pads and other items for its youth league with a $1500 grant from the KECF.
- Billings Wheatheart Nutrition Project will purchase a food-steam table and top with a $2500 grant from the KECF. This groups aid the seniors in feeding and fellowship within the Billings community.
- The Billings Historical Society will purchase floor materials and labor to remodel the Dr. Renfro Miller Museum with a $2500 grant from the KECF.
- The Blackwell Youth Center will purchase filing cabinets with a $150 grant from the KECF.
Foundation grants will be awarded primarily to the following projects and organizations: Programs, projects and organizations that are important components of a community’s overall quality of life, with emphasis on public safety, health care, senior citizens affiliated organization and projects, self-sufficiency, and basic human needs. Educational, youth programs and volunteer fire departments will also be considered for grants.
All projects or organizations need to reside in KEC’s five county service territory: Garfield, Grant, Kay, Noble and Osage Counties.
Applications for the fourth-quarter grants are due Oct. 3, 2016. Download program details and applications at